Pollock on Conditional Immortality: Second Argument
Continuing on with A. J. Pollock’s arguments against conditional immortality we come to this: A mistake common to all conditional immortality teachers is that of confounding eternal life with...
View ArticlePollock on Luke 20:36
We have now made it to page 22 of A. J. Pollock’s HADES and Eternal Punishment where he now begins his proof that the human soul is immortal. He bases much of his case on a study of the Greek words...
View ArticlePollock’s Third Argument – Immortality of the Soul
We have now arrived at the point where A. J. Pollock argues for the immortality of the human soul. The immortality of the human soul must be the case if the doctrine of eternal conscious torment is...
View ArticlePollock on Jude 7
Next in his defense of the doctrine of eternal conscious torment (ECT) Pastor Pollock makes a short reference to Jude 7: Further, Jude speaking of the inhabitants of the guilty cities of the plain,...
View ArticlePollock Once Again on Soul Sleep
In today’s excerpt from A. J. Pollock’s booklet HADES and Eternal Punishment he once again states his belief that there is no such thing as soul sleep. I do not believe that soul sleep is a doctrine...
View ArticlePollock: Their Worm Dieth Not
We have now come to where Pastor Pollock mentions a very famous verse in the debate between annihilationists and those who hold to eternal conscious torment: Again, “their worm dieth not,” etc.; an...
View ArticlePollock: The Word “Death” Has Three Uses
In today’s post I will be quoting from pages 26-27 of A. J. Pollock’s “HADES and Eternal Punishment” where he discusses the three different meanings of the word “death”. These definitions are identical...
View ArticlePoint-Counterpoint: Pollock on Apollumi
We now come to the Greek word ”apollumi” that has been, and will probably always be, a bone of contention between the eternal conscious torment and conditional immortality camps. Apollumi can be...
View ArticlePoint-Counterpoint: Slough on Apollumi
As Promised here is E. D. Slough’s “counterpoint” to Pollock’s analysis [See “Point-Counterpoint: Pollock on Apollumi“] of the Greek word apollumi: In his essay on page 11, Campbell tells us the word...
View ArticleApollumi: How Do Pollock’s and Slough’s Arguments Stack Up?
Since I provided both A. J. Pollock’s (see “Point-Counterpoint: Pollock on Apollumi”) and E. D. Slough’s (see “Point-Counterpoint: Slough on Apollumi”) analysis of the Greek word apollumi I thought I...
View ArticlePoint-Counterpoint: Pollock on Aionios
We have now come to A. J. Pollock’s discussion of the Greek word “aionios”; this is the Greek word that is often translated into English as “eternal” or “everlasting”. As far as I am concerned the...
View ArticlePoint-Counterpoint: Vincent on Aionios
Below is a word study of the Greek word aionios by Marvin R. Vincent. It is scholarly and not light reading but I think that we need this type of analysis to properly evaluate passages using aionios. I...
View ArticleAionios: How Do Pollock’s and Vincent’s Arguments Stack Up?
After reading through both Pollock’s analysis of aionios ( see “Point-Counterpoint: Pollock on Aionios“) and Vincent’s (see “Point-Counterpoint: Vincent on Aionios“) I can see one major difference...
View ArticlePollock: Is God Too Kind to Torture?
I have finally found the time to continue my look at A. J. Pollock’s defense of the traditional doctrine of eternal conscious torment (ECT). In this excerpt Pastor Pollock argues that the unbeliever...
View ArticlePollock on Revelation 19:20
In this excerpt A. J. Pollock brings in one of the key passages in the entire debate pitting eternal conscious torment against conditional immortality: Revelation 19:20. To try and clarify the issues...
View ArticlePollock: Does Fire Consume?
We are now nearing the end of A. J. Pollock’s defense of the doctrine of eternal conscious torment (ECT). At this point Pastor Pollock has made most of the arguments he is going to make and is now...
View ArticlePollock’s Concluding Remarks
We have now reached the end of A. J. Pollock’s “HADES and Eternal Punishment” where he presents us with his concluding remarks and observations. There aren’t any new arguments presented here so I am...
View ArticleFinal Thoughts on A. J. Pollock’s “HADES and Eternal Punishment”
I finally feel compelled to finish my series of posts on A. J. Pollock’s “HADES and Eternal Punishment.” Frankly I haven’t been sure what to say about this whole exercise so I have allowed myself to...
View ArticleLabor Day 2016 Update
It has been over a year since I posted any articles on my blog and I figure it is about time to remedy that. I hope that you few subscribers to my blog find this post of interest. Even before my final...
View ArticleAn Introduction to “The Augustinian Revolution in Theology”
For quite a while I have been interested in learning about Augustine of Hippo and his theology. As I realized just how much impact Augustine has had on the Western church for fifteen centuries my...
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