Christians as Fully Human
Earlier this year in my blog post “Van Til’s Summary of His Apologetics Written for the Layman” I made the statement that I believe Van Til/Five Point Calvinism treats the unbeliever as less than...
View ArticleThe Importance of a Name in Hebrew Thought
A few weeks ago I finished reading “Our Father Abraham: Jewish Roots of the Christian Faith”. There was one section a mere two paragraphs long in that book I have been thinking about ever since and...
View ArticleThe Dialectic
I have written several posts in the past documenting how I went from an enthusiastic supporter of Charlie Clough’s Bible Framework Series to no longer being able to recommend it to anyone. The reason...
View ArticleIs There a Case for Annihilationism?
This is an introductory post for a series I am planning to write on annihilationism (the teaching that unbelievers are completely destroyed after a finite time in the Lake of Fire). The majority belief...
View ArticleTheological Models of Man
This is the second post in my series on annihilationism (please see my first post “Is There a Case for Annihilationism?” if you haven’t already). After studying the topic for a while it became clear...
View ArticleThe Place of the Dead
This is the third installment of my series dealing with annihilationism and whether there is any support for it in scripture. The previous two installments are “Is There a Case for Annihilationism?”...
View ArticleHades and Eternal Punishment: Pages 1-2
I now have come to the point where I can begin grappling with Mr. Pollock’s polemic “HADES and Eternal Punishment”. The online version of Hades and Eternal Punishment has a font size that is difficult...
View ArticleHades and Eternal Punishment: Pages 2-7
After the foreword to his book is finished Mr. Pollock both begins laying the foundation of his argument as well as identifying the groups that are propagating the falsehoods. Early on in today’s...
View ArticleHades and Eternal Punishment: Pages 7-12
I am continuing with my analysis of A. J. Pollock’s defense of the traditional doctrine of eternal conscious torment (see HADES and Eternal Punishment ). In my last post we saw Pollock’s case that the...
View ArticleIs “The Rich Man and Lazarus” a Parable?
I am now at what I consider to be the critical point in my discussion of A. J. Pollock’s defense of the traditional doctrine of eternal conscious torment (see HADES and Eternal Punishment ). At the...
View ArticleWhy Does it Matter if the Rich Man and Lazarus is a Parable?
In my continuing study of the Rich Man and Lazarus I want to drive home why it is so important to come to a solid conclusion on whether or not this story is a parable. Per my previous post (see Is “The...
View ArticleDoes Using a Proper Name Turn a Parable Into a True Story?
The argument I have heard Arnold Fruchtenbaum, and others, use to justify that the Rich Man and Lazarus is not a parable is that parables don’t use real names. In a previous post (see Is “The Rich Man...
View ArticleOld and New Testament Pictures of Sheol/Hades
In this post I am continuing with my discussion of A. J. Pollock’s defense of the traditional doctrine of eternal conscious torment (see HADES and Eternal Punishment ). What follows you won’t find in...
View ArticleFinal Thoughts on the Rich Man and Lazarus
I have spent the last four posts going over the Rich Man and Lazarus (see Luke 16:19-31) in quite a bit of detail. Just so we don’t lose sight of the forest for the trees I would now like to summarize...
View ArticlePollock on Gehenna
I have taken a month’s break from blogging due to a home renovation project and a heavy workload. For the time being my schedule has eased up so I am back to blogging for at least a little while. In...
View ArticlePollock on Revelation 21:8
In my last post I made it almost all the way through A.J. Pollock’s section on Gehenna. I mentioned in that post that there are two paragraphs as the end of that section that require their own post....
View ArticleDoes Sin Against An Infinite God Require Infinite Punishment?
At the end of his discussion of Gehenna, A. J. Pollock makes a statement that most Christians would read without giving a second thought. Here are the final paragraphs of that section: At infinite cost...
View ArticlePollock on Universalism
We are finally coming to the section of A. J. Pollock’s booklet where he confronts both Universalism and Annihilationism. First he deals with Universalism which I do not believe is possible given what...
View ArticleDoes John 3:36 Dispel Annihilationism?
In this post we come to A. J. Pollock’s first argument against annihilationism: One verse of Scripture destroys the theories of both the Universalist and Annihilationist. “He that believeth not the Son...
View ArticlePollock on Conditional Immortality: First Argument
We are now starting to get into the heart of Pastor Pollock’s arguments against the concept of Conditional Immortality. I don’t want to be accused of giving short shrift to his arguments so I am going...
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