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How Not to Be a Witness for Christ

For years I have followed a variety of Christian websites. I have done this primarily because I want to know what’s going on in the American church. I believe that the faithful have a great influence on whether the United States prospers. I think it’s that important.

However there are times when I wonder if I’m a bit of a masochist when I read what is going on. Do I read all the garbage out there in a subconscious attempt to torment myself? Well, today is one of those days when I think I would be better off ignorant. A well known Christian entertainer by the name of Steven Crowder has announced that he and his wife are getting a divorce. I don’t know much about Steven Crowder but I feel bad for him, I always feel sadness when a married couple breaks up. My topic today is not so much about the divorce but how some Christians are reacting to the divorce.

The Calvinist website Prostestia has put up an article on the Crowder divorce titled “‘Not My Choice.’ Steven Crowder Announces Divorce” and it’s a real lulu. They show a tweet by Samuel Sey that says:

Regardless of his ongoing silly accusations, pray for Steven Crowder.

Pray that he would repent and sincerely believe in Christ.

Pray for his wife, that she would also repent and reconcile with him.

And pray for their children. Divorce is destructive.

How does Samuel Sey know that Steven Crowder’s accusations are “silly?” Why on earth would he accuse Crowder of being an unbeliever because of a divorce? Truly this is seems more Roman Catholic than protestant, is divorce now a protestant mortal sin?

Samuel Sey has a blog titled “Slow to Write” which describes itself as:

Slow to Write is a weekly blog by Samuel Sey.

This year marks 8 years since I created SlowToWrite.com. That’s 8 years since I committed to blogging for you and Christ. That’s 8 years since I made a vow to become quick to listen, slow to speak, slow to anger—slow to write.

Maybe Mr. Sey should have been even slower to write that tweet?

Even worse is this paragraph which follows the Sey quote:

Though Crowder has frequently professed to be a Christian and even touted that when he and his wife got married they were both virgins who had kept the marriage bed pure, describing it as a recipe for success to ensure the long-term survival of his relationship, the last decade has left many questioning his salvation. Though we can’t locate the video, Todd Friel of Wretched Radio had an interaction with Crowder over a decade ago about his profession of faith, asking him questions about the gospel that Crowder simply could not answer, and then later became upset at the suggestion that he may only be a cultural Christian and false convert.

Okay, let me translate that for those of you unfamiliar with Calvinist speak. Steven Crowder is not a Calvinist. Most likely when he was quizzed ten years ago about the “Doctrines of Grace” (TULIP) he couldn’t provide details about this Calvinist philosophy. Non-Calvinists are always distrusted by Calvinists. Combine that with a divorce and voila! Crowder is an unbeliever.

Here is a better, more biblical idea:

15 Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.16 Be of the same mind toward one another. Do not set your mind on high things, but associate with the humble. Do not be wise in your own opinion.

Romans 12:15-16

Steven Crowder, Protestia, and Samuel Sey will never know I posted this brief comment about this. The one thing I do hope for is that someone out there will find this brief post and it will help them be a better ambassador for Christ.

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