Hello everyone. I haven’t been posting articles for a few years now and haven’t been planning on starting up again until recently. The posts I used to put up weekly were a great help to me personally in my studies of the Bible and Christianity. By forcing myself to write, I am not a gifted writer, I made myself think through things that I normally wouldn’t have. It was a good thing for me to do.
For those of you who are interested I am still a Dispensational premillenialist and hold to many of the doctrines you would expect someone like that to hold. At the same time I have continued to learn just how much Greek philosophy has influenced Christianity and am appalled. So, while many of my doctrinal views will be familiar to other Christians there are other views that will get me labeled a heretic in a hurry. I don’t really want to go there right now and will avoid such topics for the time being.
Now, that brings me to why I’m starting to post again, at least for a while. The political culture here in the United States is getting a little weird to say the least. While I don’t plan on discussing current events directly I do think there are some things I can say, as a Christian, that have bearing on what’s going on at present. When writing posts I am going to try to avoid using words like “right”, “left”, “conservative”, “liberal”, etc. I think those words are sloppy in their meaning and don’t help anything. If I do use those words I plan on putting them in scare quotes like I just did to emphasize my dislike for them.
My political views would certainly be associated with being “conservative” but I no longer think of myself that way. Some day when I meet my maker face to face and give an account it will be one on one, just me and the Lord. There will be no mediator in-between us. This leads me to describe myself as an individualist and I am very antagonistic to collectivism in all its forms.
Some of the posts I will write up are going to deal with American history. I know I had some readers from outside the United States that won’t care very much and that’s fine. In the U.S. many of the “conservatives” like to talk about how much U.S. history they know and they are being true to our history and culture (“liberals” as a rule don’t care). I am realizing that isn’t true and some of the gaps in “conservative” knowledge have the potential to do a lot of damage to us.
That’s all I have for now. I hope this post finds you, wherever you are, healthy and prosperous.