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Youths Oppress My People, Women Rule Over Them


Today, being the 244th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, I have been reflecting on where the United States started and where we are now. Many of the institutions in this country have kept the same names over time but they really have very little in common with the originals. This is a very sad thing which promises nothing but turmoil in the future.

I do not plan on taking this blog in a political direction but, as Christians, the bible does have a lot to say to us about how we interact with the government, our neighbors, and our families. A lot of what I have seen coming from Christians in this perilous time is awful. Maybe I’m looking in the wrong places but I don’t think so.

Just to be upfront about where I see trends taking the United States is that the intent of the current unrest is to muzzle and suppress Christianity in all but the most neutered forms. A lot of the sloganeering about white people being inherently bad is silly on its face (FYI these fools aren’t talking about total depravity). However the United States was founded by Christians and many Christian principles were incorporated into our laws. To use a pop psychology phrase the “white patriarchy” is a “code word” for Christians. Times are about to get very interesting in this country.

In that spirit I give you Isaiah 3:8-12:

8 Jerusalem staggers,
Judah is falling;
their words and deeds are against the Lord,
defying his glorious presence.
The look on their faces testifies against them;
they parade their sin like Sodom;
they do not hide it.
Woe to them!
They have brought disaster upon themselves.

10 Tell the righteous it will be well with them,
for they will enjoy the fruit of their deeds.
11 Woe to the wicked!
Disaster is upon them!
They will be paid back
for what their hands have done.

12 Youths oppress my people,
women rule over them.
My people, your guides lead you astray;
they turn you from the path.

The title for this post comes from verse 12 which summarizes everything I see when the television cameras zoom in on the crowds of young people disrupting our cities. Have any of you looked at those faces? These are young people, kids really, being completely lawless. Not only are they children but it’s often the young women who are the most vocal. A particular clip comes to mind of several young women screaming at police officers telling them the how horrible they are. They were emoting so much that it almost seemed like they were having a nervous breakdown.

So do I think this passage is applicable to us today? You bet I do. Verse 12 isn’t talking about women ruling over Israel, no woman was ever crowned king in either the Northern or Southern Kingdom. A person or group can rule (control) a people without having an official title. What does it mean to you when they chide us about the “patriarchy?” To me they are saying women should rule.

We are seeing the curse unfold before our very eyes today. However if you are one of the Righteous you shouldn’t worry because God has your back (see verse 10). Does this mean we won’t see hard times? Of course it doesn’t but God will get us through tough times if we are righteous.

I should have more to say in the days and weeks to come.

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